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About the Author

So I clicked on a facebook link one time and got on the email list for someone who was giving advice about writing, something I need a decent share of if I am committed to making a go of this whole writing thing, and I honestly have to say it has opened up my mind to a few concepts I hadn’t yet discovered on my own. One of those things just so happens to be telling the story of ourselves. Writers tell many stories in their time but I imagine that many are like me and have never thought to write a story about themselves. Sure our stories are less likely to be filled with grand adventures, epic battles or happily ever after's, but they can still be stories worth sharing. Stories of love and loss, dreams and inspirations or deep wounds that transcend time. I find my own story to be a little lackluster but I will let you make the final call on that.

If given thirty seconds to describe myself, I would tell you that I am an introverted person who is a jack of all trades when it comes to what I’m passionate about and I have a big heart that I wear on my sleeve. I am the type of person that can handle being alone, although I may not like it much at times, I am comfortable being in my own company. From the stories my parents tell, this has always been the case as I was able to play by myself, and to this day I find solace in being alone. One of the things that plagues me as much as it benefits me is being alone with my thoughts. As I have previously discussed in another article, I have a twisted mind and it tends to find the dark realities of life every now and then, but it is also a safe haven from the craziness that is everyday life. I have quite the imagination and every now and then it comes up with something interesting that I can't seem to shake.

My mind is always running, even when I’m trying to get to sleep. It’s almost like my mind is a bouncy ball in a small hard surfaced room where every square inch is covered in one thought or another. It never stays in one spot long, can cover a multitude of different ideas in a short amount of time, and will most likely bounce off a few repeatedly if for no other reason than because it must. Few things are able to stop the bouncy ball and writing is one of them. It gives me the opportunity to take one or more of those ideas off the wall so that the bouncy ball will not land on them any more.

Now on to the passions. There are quite a few as I have picked up more than a couple as the years have gone by. For many years music was my sole passion as I sought out the next big group or genre that really spoke to me. The passion that has stuck with me the longest is my love of automobiles. I dare not say cars because I care about just about any vehicle that has at least two wheels. The more I have grown however, the more I have realized that I love the history about them the most. Another passion dating back to my childhood is Pokémon. I love the games, the trading card game and just about everything else to do with the franchise. My greatest passion and the one that has led me to where I am today would have to be reading.

I will be the first to admit that a decent amount of the difficulty I find in my life can be traced back to myself. Not that I have had a difficult or unfair life so far, I’d like to think that I have been blessed beyond what I deserve, but I do have a way of getting in my own way in life. Reading has been a way for me to temporarily find an escape hatch from my life and has allowed me to live numerous lives in the stories I’ve read, most of which I can still remember a thing or two about after a handful of years. Somewhere about twelve years ago, I discovered that I might have a talent for story telling myself. It took a number of years after that initial discovery for me to take that thought seriously, and even then I wasn’t too serious about it until just a few years ago. My big heart has always wanted to find a way within my ability to help people, and maybe just maybe, I can help provide that little escape for other people that has greatly benefited me for quite a few years.

I’m not going to sit here and lie to you and tell you it is easy writing the stories from my mind and getting people to read them. It is tough. It has beat me down from time to time with my thoughts of self doubt and more nights than not it is difficult for me to sit down in front of my computer and type out the words that are filling my head. More nights than I’d care to admit, I have sat in front of this computer and stared at a blank document just trying to find the determination to write even a single sentence with no avail. Sometimes I doubt myself on whether or not this is really my passion because the stories I write and publish on my blog are getting little to no views and I have to remind myself that I am still honing my craft and that I can only get out of it what I put into it. Deep down I think I was always destined to be a writer of some sorts, after all, I am much more eloquent on paper than I am in person. I’m no genius but I am also not a slow man either. I have strong opinions and feelings about life and all that it entails, but to have a conversation and be able to articulate what I might be feeling or where I stand on a particular issue can often lead to me struggling to get out what is in my mind. My hands however have a much easier time of translating what is floating around my mind into an easy to understand format. Writing is literally the best way I have to communicate and with an imagination as wild as my own, I feel it is a travesty not to share it with you all.

My big heart likes to get in the way whenever I feel down about the number of views my work is getting, but I am slowly reminding myself that anything worth doing not only takes time but is also worth doing right, and since I feel whole heartedly that this is something worth doing for me, I am going to keep writing and working on my craft.

So there you have it, you know a little bit more about this twisted mind and what makes it the way it is. There is quite a bit more to tell about myself and why I am the way I am, and maybe you all will one day get to discover more of it, but for now this is what you get. As always, I would love to hear your thoughts or what opinions of mine you would like to read about in the future and I would like to thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my ramblings.


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